Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Practice makes perfect....

I got bored last night...Yes I know I put myself on a nail break...but I only played with the Nail Art polishes
That doesn't count right? RIGHT!

These are pretty random....but then SO IS MY LIFE....
lol I probably wouldn't wear them ALL at the same time, but these are good for practising!
After seeing these pictures, they actually turned out better than I thought! Which is mega awesome.

So I've been wanting to do Burberry designs on my nails for a while now...
It's been done MANY times, by EVERYBODY lol
But lines and stripes are so I did it too.
I was just practising the lines, and the spacing...
When I actually do a full on Burberry mani though, I would have a nude/tan base under those lines.

After doing Burberry fingers, I remembered how hard leopard print I did one on the index finger
and WOW, it was like ZOOP-BOOM-BAP....done......AWESOME SAUCE
Guess I'll be doing them leopard rawr nails soon....squeeeee!!
As for the thumb....I had nothing thought out
so I took all the colours and did stripes...yay stripes!!

Here it is.
Random fun times

I'm starting crossfit class today...
In my journey to that HAWT BAWD (haha yea right), I shall also blog about it here.
Prepare to hear me whine tomorrow.

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